Kazuki Amemiya Religion (2025)

1. Amemiya Kazuki - My portal - researchmap

  • A Study on 'Religion' Positioning in Christian Private University : Example Dousisha University 'Promotion'. (23) 23-32, 2015 Peer-reviewed. 私立高等教育機関 ...

  • researchmap is an information sharing platform for the researchers. researchmap is provided by Japan Science and Technology Agency.

2. Amemiya Kazuki - Papers - researchmap

3. 23号-1 - CORE

  • A Study on 'Religion' Positioning in Christian Private University. ― Example Doushisha University 'Promotion' ―················ Kazuki AMEMIYA ··· 23. The ...

4. Suguru Yamamoto | A new type of e-mail/texting generation theater ...

  • 6 feb 2015 · In 2010, Kazuki Takakura joined your group. He was from Tokyo Zokei ... The fact that we no longer have any real religion may be an ...

  • Suguru Yamamoto is a rising playwright and director born in 1987. Whil…

Suguru Yamamoto | A new type of e-mail/texting generation theater ...

5. The future of multiplexed eukaryotic genome engineering - PMC

  • We describe the current state of multiplexed genome editing, the current limits of our ability to multiplex edits, and provide perspective on the many ...

  • Multiplex genome editing is the simultaneous introduction of multiple distinct modifications to a given genome. Though in its infancy, maturation of this field will facilitate powerful new biomedical research approaches, and will enable a host of ...

The future of multiplexed eukaryotic genome engineering - PMC

6. Comparison Approach for Identifying Missed Invasive Fungal Infections ...

  • 24 mrt 2022 · Religions, Remote Sensing, Reports, Reproductive Medicine (Reprod. Med ... Sadamoto, Sota, Yurika Mitsui, Yasuhiro Nihonyanagi, Kazuki Amemiya ...

  • Invasive fungal infection (IFI) has a high mortality rate in patients who undergo hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and it is often confirmed by postmortem dissection. When IFI is initially confirmed after an autopsy, the tissue culture and frozen section are challenging to secure, and in many cases, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples represent the only modality for identifying fungi. Histopathological diagnosis is a useful method in combination with molecular biological methods that can achieve more precise identification with reproducibility. Meanwhile, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using fungal-specific primers helps identify fungi from FFPE tissues. Autopsy FFPE specimens have a disadvantage regarding the quality of DNA extracted compared with that of specimens obtained via biopsy or surgery. In the case of mucormycosis diagnosed postmortem histologically, we examined currently available molecular biological methods such as PCR, immunohistochemistry (IHC), and in situ hybridization (ISH) to identify fungi. It is reasonable that PCR with some modification is valuable for identifying fungi in autopsy FFPE specimens. However, PCR does not always correctly identify fungi in autopsy FFPE tissues, and other approaches such as ISH or IHC are worth considering for clarifying the broad classification (such as the genus- or species-level classification).

Comparison Approach for Identifying Missed Invasive Fungal Infections ...

7. Centrefold - The Daily Star Archive

  • 3 jul 2008 · Amidst this, the tale of Kazuki Fuse of the Kerberos Panzer Troops and Kei Amemiya of “The Sect”, begins. I quite enjoy alternate world ...

  • Cover

8. [PDF] Carlton Kyle Jackson - Public Disclosure - House.gov

  • 20 okt 2022 · religion native to Japan which centers on polytheistic nature worship and ... AMEMIYA Takushi, Researcher of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Kazuki Amemiya Religion (2025)
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